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Once Upon a Caveman Page 21

  Rhawn arched a brow. “I said I did not have the words in my Clan’s tongue, Lucy. That does not mean the emotion isn’t in my heart. Of course I love you. I have loved you since the moment we met in the dreams. I loved you before I even knew you really existed. I loved you when I believed it would damn me. The love I feel for you is far deeper than any language could ever convey.”

  Lucy stared at him, speechless for a long moment. “Oh. She finally whispered.

  “Why are you surprised at this? I have never hidden my feelings. I challenged a god for you, remember? Is that not a clear show of either insanity or love?” He smiled. “And I am not crazy.”

  “It’s just… No one’s ever said they loved me before.” She finally whispered. “You’re the only one I would ever want to say it to me, Rhawn.”

  Tenderness filled his gaze. “Vando, Lucy.”

  She was too agitated to ask why in the hell he was talking about lungs in such a gentle tone. Panic rushed in again, driving out the brief surge of euphoria she felt when he said the words. Rhawn loving her was wonderful. Perfect. Just what she’d always wanted. …Which just made everything scarier.

  “People always think I’m going do something amazing, but I never do.” She got out. “I disappoint everyone. I’ll disappoint you.”

  “You couldn’t. I know you, Lucy. Inside and out.”

  “Then you know I’m not the Savior! I’m not special, at all!”

  “The legends of the Ardin were passed down for generations. Some facts were switched or exaggerated, but the heart of the story is true. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, you were sent to save us. And you will.” He reached over to touch her face. “I know that, even if you do not. You are the most special part of this world.”

  She swallowed, trying not to cry. “Are you still going to love me when you’re proven wrong?”

  “I’m not wrong.”

  This was the trouble with dating a genius. He always thought he knew best. “Just answer the question, Rhawn!”

  He rolled his eyes like she was the crazy one. “Yes. I will always love you.” He said in a humoring tone. “Why is this confusing to you? I’ve been showing you that I love you forever. Long before I thought you were the Destroyer or the Savior. You are my heart, Lucy.”

  Lucy found herself smiling, her eyes damp. All the specialness she didn’t quite have in the rest of her life didn’t matter. Not at all. Lucy had been given something much more extraordinary. Something that would change the world.

  Rhawn the Accursed was her mate.

  She looked at her caveman and wondered how anyone could be so handsome. “Taffi said something interesting the other day.” She said after a moment.

  Rhawn arched a brow at the non sequitur. “I very much doubt that.”

  Despite everything, Lucy snickered at that remark. “I know right? What are the odds?” She shook her head and wiped at her eyes. “But seriously, Taffi was talking about high school. About how her life hadn’t turned out the way she planned. How she wishes she was the person she thought she’d grow up to be. And I was thinking, maybe she had a point. I’m not who I’d planned to be, either. Maybe no one is.”

  Rhawn opened his mouth to respond to that, but she wasn’t done yet.

  “Since I’ve been here, though, I’m the me I’m supposed to be. I’m so much happier than I was back in New York. So much more myself. It wasn’t even working in the bookstore that was holding me back. I was the one who’d given up on doing anything that mattered. You can do great things working in a bookstore. But you have to remember that you want to. I thought being here made me see that. That this island clarified everything and gave second chances.”

  “The island doesn’t determine who you are. It comes from a desire deep inside of you. I think that is all part of the gods’ plan.”

  “I do, too.” She leaned closer to him. “It isn’t the island that makes everything clearer for me. You are what makes things clearer for me, Rhawn. You are the one who makes me a better person.” She leaned forward to kiss him gently. “You are what’s special about my life.”

  Rhawn whispered a torrent of foreign words, his mouth moving across hers. She had no idea exactly what he was saying. About half of it was her name and vando, though, so she could take a guess that it was something nice.

  Lucy pulled back to grin up at him. “So listen. You don’t have an internet hook up here and I don’t think TVs getting invented, any time soon. Not even by you. Seems like we have to do something to pass the time.” She hurried to get the words out before she lost her nerve. “Would you --maybe-- want to try that other kind of kissing?”

  His attention snapped up to Lucy’s face. No one had ever looked at her with such intensity. “The lower kind?”

  Lucy took a deep breath and went for it. “Yep.”

  Brown eyes narrowed into predatory slits. Rhawn leaned in even closer, taking up most of her personal space. Lucy had to fight the urge to look away from him. It was always like that with him. In this primitive world, Rhawn was undoubtedly the dominant animal. Hell, drop him into any time period and he would’ve dominated. It was just his nature. She swallowed and met his gaze.

  “You really believe that idea will work?” He asked, like he was still suspecting a trap. But she could feel his growing arousal and it made her own insides melt.

  “I’m willing to experiment if you are.”

  His mouth slowly curved. “I will try anything with you, Lucy. Especially that.” He bounded to his feet. “Explain how we should begin.”

  Never let it be said the guy didn’t love education. “It’s really more of a ‘learn by doing’ thing.” She maneuvered herself so she was kneeling in front of him. One of his hands came up to fist in her hair, holding her still, and she arched a brow. “Okay?”

  He was breathing faster and she hadn’t even touched him. “I just… like this already.”

  Oh, he liked this a lot. She could see that and it gave her confidence. “Good. Regular kissing wasn’t invented until I got here. Wanna see what other sensual wonders I can dream up for you?”

  That was all it took to convince him. He jerked the loincloth aside, already straining for release. “Show me.”

  Lucy stared up at him, once again stuck by how damn big he was. For a second she wondered if this was going to work. In the dreams everything had been kinda fragmented and fuzzy, but this was super real and a little intimidating. She gathered her confidence and leaned forward to brush him with her lips. Rhawn jolted like she’d shocked him with a Taser.

  She mentally grinned. Okay, never mind the nerves. This was going to work just fine. “Tell me if you want me to quit.” She whispered, her tongue tracing along his skin

  He totally didn’t want to quit.

  “Oh gods…” He shifted his stance, dragging her closer. “Again.”

  Her mouth sealed around the hard length of him and Rhawn’s head went back with a choked sound of pleasure. He started chanting in the Clan’s language, again. The big guy had found something he liked even more than kissing.

  His giant hand clenched in her hair, like he was afraid the sensation would vanish if he let her go. Usually, the man tried his damnedest to be restrained with her, but his first foray into oral sex had broken the dam. He just wanted more. Now. Rhawn held onto to her thick curls, thrusting against her. His whole body arched, urging her to take all of him.

  Lucy pulled back. “Too much, caveman.”

  He looked dazed. “I’m sorry.” He gentled his grip. “I just need and you are so perfect…” He broke off and shook his head, like he was trying to clear it. “Do you wish to stop? We can stop if you are scared.”

  She looked in his eyes and saw the soul deep honor of the man. “You could never scare me, Rhawn. I know you too well.”

  His mouth curved, understanding the walls she’d torn down to let him inside. “And I know you, Lucy.” He whispered back.

  Smiling, she resumed her work. This time she allowed hi
m even deeper. Her tongue rubbing against the base of his shaft and she felt him shudder. This wasn’t going to last long. She tried to drag it out for him, but when her teeth very gently scraped along the tip of him, he erupted with a roar that shook the jungle. When he was spent, he stood there panting for breath.

  Lucy looked up at him, expecting him to say something rhapsodic.

  Deep brown eyes burned into her. “Again.”

  The stark demand had her insides dipping. “You just finished.” She whispered, simply to see what he’d do. She appreciated his restraint, but it turned out she flat out loved when she could break through it.

  “I will never be finished with you.” He nudged her back towards his rapidly hardening erection. His recovery time was amazing. Apparently, cavemen had supersonic sex drives. Or at least Rhawn did. “Again.” He commanded and pushed into her mouth with a moan of pure bliss.

  She did it, again.

  His hips pistoned helplessly. “Lucy! Gods, yes.” He loved the fiercer pace she set, his huge form shaking with need. “If anyone else saw you doing this, they would kill me to take you for themselves.”

  Teasing him seemed cruel, so she gave it a try. Lucy pulled back. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to put your life in danger. It was hard enough watching you fight with Craig before.” She gazed up at his glistening body and almost came herself at how stunning he was. “Want me to stop?” She pretended to stand up.

  Just like she knew it would, his hand found her shoulder, keeping her down. “Again.” He stared at her like she was the only thing keeping him alive.

  Lucy took the hint. Her lips carefully went back to nursing him until he was even more taunt than before. He let out a hiss as she nipped him. “They would have to kill me. I would never willingly part from you.” He slid even deeper into her mouth. “Slower now.” This time, he guided her head, trying to find the speed he liked best. “Use your teeth.” He whispered, his face thrown back in ecstasy. “Oh yes. Just a little more, Lucy. Please.”

  She had the feeling he’d keep experimenting as long as she was willing to let him. The man was insatiable. He wanted to do everything and then take it apart, piece by piece, until he understood how all the components worked.

  “Vando!” He jerked under her ministrations and she knew he was thrilled with the results of his testing. Rhawn grinned, his expression triumphant. “I never imagined anything would feel this good. Vando, Lucy. Vando, vando, vando. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  She wasn’t going to stop. The more leisurely pace suited her fine. It gave her the opportunity to explore. She took her time and made him beg before, at long last, letting him come. Rhawn’s fingers stayed tangled in her hair as he climaxed, making sure she suckled every drop of seed from him. He watched it all, memorizing everything for future reference.

  As soon as his hoarse shout of completion faded, he beamed as if he’d discovered meaning of life. “Again.”

  Lucy had anticipated the request, but her jaw was getting tired and not even he could keep up this pace. “If I keep doing this, are you going to reciprocate?”

  His eyebrows tugged together like he had no idea what she meant.

  She broke it down for him. “It feels just as good for women when men kiss them there.”

  Just like that she’d diverted his attention. His big head tilted in genius-y consideration. “It does?”

  She nodded.

  “You would allow me to do that?”

  She nodded.

  Rhawn slowly smiled.

  Lucy gave a squeak of surprise as he yanked her to her feet and tossed her over his shoulder. She found herself upside down and facing his back, her hair brushing against the top of his thighs. He carried her like she weighted nothing at all, his arm braced against the back of her knees.

  It was so easy to forget his size when he was being his usual soft-spoken self. But, when he picked her up, Lucy was reminded of just how massive he was. His strength didn’t scare, though. Just the opposite. It seriously turned her on.

  He dropped her onto the bed of animal skins and began stripping the clothes off the lower half of her body. Lucy’s eyes widened at how fast he was moving things along. Suddenly, she felt self-conscious. The man was built like a professional athlete and she… wasn’t. It was scary to have this gorgeous guy see her naked outside the protective cocoon of their shared dreams. What if he wasn’t attracted to real live her?

  “You know, we don’t have to do this right now. I don’t mind waiting…” Cold air hit her damp flesh and she knew a moment of nervous panic. “Really. Maybe this wasn’t my best idea. We could just…” She trailed off with a whimper as his hand found the center of her body, parting the tender folds.

  He shifted her legs so he could have an unobstructed view, his full concentration on her body. His fingers pressed deep, his other palm holding her still when she would’ve squiggled to less a vulnerable angle. He wanted everything and he was going to take it. That jacked her arousal up even higher.

  Cavemen clearly didn’t care about shyness.

  Rhawn watched as her hands twisted on the thick pelts and his eyes gleamed. “You are perfect.” He said simply and she relaxed.

  “I’m super glad glasses don’t exist here, because you need them.”

  “I am unfamiliar with this word.” He didn’t seem like he cared too much, though. He stretched her weeping depths, all his attention on her obvious arousal. “You’re growing wet,” he sounded awed, “just like in the dreams. I’d hoped you would.”

  Clearly that didn’t happen much around here. It was amazing that the female members of the Clan hadn’t revolted long ago. Thank God she was here to put some equality into the system. “When a woman wants a man, her body get damp to welcome him in.”

  That was just what he wanted to hear. “You welcome me?”

  “Always.” She got out, trying to hold on. “And --Jesus-- you get double points for being so damn good at this.”

  Rhawn smiled at that. “Double what I previously had?”

  “What? Sure. Just keep going.”

  He looked smug. “I plan to. Tell me if I hurt you.” He moved to replace his fingers with his mouth. For a brief moment, she felt his breath against her swollen core and she wondered if she should provide some kind of instructions...

  “Oh!” Lucy’s eyes went wide as his tongue slid inside of her.

  No tentative touches or false starts, he just started devouring. Once he was offered something, the man didn’t hesitate to seize it. Within a matter of a few heartbeats she was on the verge of the biggest orgasm of her life. It was right there, if only he’d move just a tiny bit.

  “Oh please, oh please, oh please.” She tried to shift beneath the relentless onslaught, but now both his hands were on her hips, holding her down. All she could do was grip his golden hair and wail. “Rhawn, please. Just a little higher.”

  He let out a warning growl, keeping her just where he wanted her. “I like the taste of you.” He murmured and continued tormenting her.

  The bastard didn’t want her to finish so fast. He wanted to take his time out and discover everything. Lucy gave a sob as he methodically licked and nibbled and explored every inch of her. This was what she got for hooking up with a caveman who thought like a scientist. He was ruthless and wouldn’t be happy until his curiosity was fully satisfied.

  Just when she thought she was going to die if he didn’t do something to end the torture, he drew back to gently blow on her aching flesh. Lucy came so hard it was a wonder she didn’t black out. Her body bowed upward, her mouth opening in a scream of pleasure.

  Rhawn watched with hot approval as she spasmed, drinking in her response. “I’ve just discovered that women can have orgasms.” He deduced, looking smug. “I suspected as much, from the dreams. I could feel you get close so many nights, but I never had enough time to prove it. Now it is indisputable.”

  Lucy stared up at him, panting for breath. “You’re a fucking genius.”
/>   “Yes, I think I might be.” He agreed gravely and then went back to work. “Again.”


  And again.

  And when she couldn’t do anything but weakly sigh, he used his fingers to stroke her to completion one last time. Brown eyes stayed locked on hers, even as he used his other hand to remove her top, baring her breasts to his view. All that she was wearing were the shiny white beads and he left those right where they were. They slid against her nipples as she moved against his thrusting hand and he couldn’t seem to look away from the sight.

  “Perfect.” Rhawn lowered his head to lap at her breasts. “You are so perfect, Lucy.”

  Everything he’d learned about her in the dream he put to use now, finding the exact spots she was most sensitive. He filed it all away in his brain, noticing each detail and achieving maximum results.

  Lucy gave a soft mewling sound as she came against his talented palm, too exhausted to even cry out.

  Rhawn loomed over her, fully aroused. “Sixty-two.” He reported.

  “What?” She could barely form the words, her mind and body humming. Her eyes drifted shut.

  “I have sixty-two points.”

  Her eyes popped open again, processing that smug statement. She suddenly remembered she’d told him that she’d sleep with him if he reached a certain number. Lucy swallowed. Math never had been her best subject. “Wait, how many did I say you needed?”

  “Sixty-one and a half.” He kissed the side of her throat. “I have kept very close count and I now have sixty-two.” His erection settled between her legs and she gasped at the feel of him pressing against her.

  Lucy’s body automatically shifted, wanting to welcome him in. Had she been tired before? Now she was wide awake, again. “You’ve been stacking up the points and not telling me? You’re kind of an evil genius. I never noticed that before.”

  “Oh, I have come to believe I am very, very smart.” Rhawn agreed, with a smirk. “I have never felt more intelligent than I do right now.” He caught hold of her hands, dragging them above her head. “I will claim my prize now.” But he hesitated, waiting for her consent. “Will you mate with me tonight?”