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Treasure of the Fire Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 4) Page 15

  “I…” Kingu hesitated, looking for a way out of that question. “I would have you… smile.” He admitted after a moment.

  “So you want me to be happy here?”

  “Yes.” He allowed cautiously. “To a point.”

  “And that point is the very first thing I ask for?”

  “No, that point is the gods damn Phases! Dealing with them will be tedious and inane, and I have better ways to spend my afternoon. That is the end of it.” He started for the stairs.

  “No, it’s not the end.” Hope followed him, hurrying so she could get in front of him and block his assent. She only tripped twice. Kingu paused to steady her, which gave her time to slip past him. Reaching the fourth step, she braced her arms across stairs, one palm on each railing. “I am a Phase. It’s not tedious or inane to me.”

  “But, you are no longer a Phase. Not really. Now you are the consort of a god.” He nodded like that might really work to change her mind. Like she’d just brighten up and say, “Good point, honey. Let my whole civilization fall and we’ll go watch TV.”

  “I’m a Phase, Kingu.” And a half human one at that. Gaia, but she didn’t relish telling him about that, though. Not after his reaction to the mere mention of Tessie and her mortal DNA. Hope dropped her gaze. “Look, I’m sorry if you feel like I’m not good enough for someone like you, but…”

  Kingu’s eyes went wide. “No.” He sounded genuinely appalled. “No, I don’t feel that way, at all. Hope, you are,” he shook his head, “above me. I know that. Your soul shines like the stars.”

  That was lovely.

  What an absolutely lovely thing for her monster to say.

  Hope gazed at him, catching his eyes and holding them. “I’m not above you, Kingu. I just want to be beside you.”

  Kingu’s expression went slack.

  Hope wasn’t sure why he looked so shell-shocked that she’d want to be with him, but it was important that she finish this. “I need you to be beside me, too.”

  A lot of his irritation seemed to melt away. “There’s nowhere else I would be.” Now he sounded tired and confused. “I would stay with you always, crazed plans and all. I know that it’s foolish to allow you this power over me, but I feel as if…”

  “…you belong with me.” Hope finished for him when he stopped. He belonged to her, as a matter of fact. Of course, he would feel that.

  She felt it, too.

  He sighed. “Very well. I will not waste my time on these pathetic Elemental squabbles, but you can do as you wish. If it would entertain you to plot against the Banished Phases, I have no objection.”

  “I’m not going to just plot it, Kingu. I’m going to stop them from… whatever it is they’re planning. I told you, I was raised as a warrior. I’m a Fi…” Hope faltered, “…bulous Color Phase. Fabulous. We’re all very fabulous warriors in the Colorland.” Damn, keeping that little fib going was a pain. Maybe she should discretely gauge Kingu’s feelings towards her family. “We’re not as incredible as some of the Houses, of course. The Fire Kingdom raises fighters like no other.”

  Kingu frowned. “The Fire Kingdom? Don’t they eat their dead?”

  “No! That incident was completely taken out of context. They’re a very honorable and heroic House.”


  “They are! They have a bad reputation because of all the malicious rumors spread about them, but half those stories aren’t even true.”

  “So, there’s only a fifty/fifty chance that they once tied a man to a tree and took out his eyes with an electric drill.”

  “Oh, that never happened.” Hope made a face at the total lies that got told about her family. Missy had used a melon-baller on that guy’s eyes and the drill had gone through the tongue of a whole different Gravity Phase. “The Fire Kingdom doesn’t even have trees.”

  “Such a relief to hear.”

  Hope pursed her lips at Kingu’s dubious tone. “Are there any Banished Fire Phases in the Cloudland?”

  Kingu thought that over. “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “See?” She gave a smug nod.

  “See what?” Kingu bit off the words, looking annoyed, again. “What is the point of this tangent? Are you suggesting that the Fire Phases would somehow be a better choice to help you than I would?”

  “No. But, since you said you wouldn’t help me, I was…”

  “I never said I wouldn’t help.”

  “Yes, you did. I asked for you to stand beside me and help me protect the realm. But, you said you were too busy. That you had better things to do than make me happy and save the world.”

  Kingu started to look hunted. “No. You’re twisting this around. I would always want you content, but… this idea you have will be such a pain in the ass.” He made a vague hand gesture. “Couldn’t I just get you another realm? Pick one and it’s yours. It could even be pink, if you wished.”

  “I don’t like the color pink and I’m not leaving this realm.” Hope wasn’t backing down. “Job doesn’t even know that the Banished Phases are here, Kingu. He’ll be caught completely off guard if they –like-- attack or something. If nothing else, I could just call him and warn him…”

  “You are not going to call Job or anyone else to save you!” It was a roar. “You are not leaving me.”

  “I don’t want to leave you, dingus. But, if you and I don’t do something…”

  “Enough!” He waved a palm through the air, cutting her off. “Forget it, alright? If you want all the Banished Phases dead, I’ll just go kill them. Would that satisfy you?” Turning, he actually started for the door. “It’s not worth arguing over.”

  “No.” Hope quickly grabbed his jacket to stop him. “That’s very sweet. But, what if you’re right and they’re harmless? I don’t want to kill hundreds of people unless I’m sure they deserve it.”

  “They deserve it.” Kingu assured her. “Believe me, I’ve met them. Also, I never said they were ‘harmless,’ so much as I said they were ‘idiots.’”

  Hope ignored that. “Besides, we have to figure out their plans first. If we act without recon, we could blow the element of surprise.”

  He turned to look at her in disbelief. Even with Hope standing on the higher stair tread, he towered over her. “I don’t need the element of surprise. I’m bigger than them.”

  “I know.” Hope couldn’t help by scan her eyes over his gigantic form. “You’re bigger than everyone.” His body was so close to hers, she could feel the heat arcing between them.

  The soul deep connection.

  Kingu might’ve convinced himself that he was soulless, but Hope could just look into his eyes and see the truth. She sensed the pieces of his soul lining up with hers like they were one reunited whole. They were made for each other.

  Kingu must have sensed it, too, because he swallowed. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” She shifted closer to him, enjoying the way his massive body dwarfed hers. He was such a fearsome warrior. Kingu could level whole kingdoms, swatting down lesser beings like flies. No other man could ever compete with her monster. He could plunder the entire universe, taking whatever he wanted, and no one could stop him.

  The merciless strength of him was sooooo attractive.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Hope. It won’t work.” She reached out to touch his cheek and Kingu released a shuddering breath. “It won’t work.” He repeated a little desperately. “I am not going to capitulate to you. Using seduction to manipulate me is useless.”

  Hope almost smiled. She’d just have to seduce him for fun, then. Fire Phases weren’t a patient breed. They wanted what was rightfully theirs and they wanted it now. Well, Kingu was hers and she wanted him.


  Her thumb brushed his lower lip and Kingu’s whole body jolted. His eyes drifted shut for a beat. “You are such a dangerous creature, Hope.” He whispered.

  “I know.” She agreed seriously. “I’m a warrior.”

  Kingu’s mouth twitched up
in a reluctant, devastating curve.

  It was the closest she’d ever seen him come to a genuine show of amusement and Hope felt the impact of straight through to her heart. If the man ever laughed, she’d probably be out for the count. Oberon had been right about Kingu being her monster, but he’d gotten confused about what to call Kingu because of Hope’s mixed DNA. Humans didn’t have Matches, but they had something almost as good.

  Soul mates.

  “Does my size… bother you?” Kingu asked quietly.

  “Oh no.” Hope shook her head. “Why? Does my size bother you?” She was never going to be a size two. Or ten.

  Or fourteen.

  “Oh no.” He breathed reverently. “Gods no. You are perfect, just as you are. I would not even change your hair color.” His palm came up hesitantly and then brushed across her messy curls like he was expecting her to recoil.

  Hope didn’t move, except to press her head closer to his hand. “You prefer brunettes?” She guessed, going for a light tone and missing the mark. The fire was back again, burning at her insides.

  Kingu’s breathing grew harsher when she didn’t pull away from him. “I prefer no one to you.” His touch slipped down to follow the curve of her throat.

  The feel of his rough hands on her skin had Hope gasping in need. She tilted her neck to give him better access, even as she reached up touch his wrist. He started to pull back, like he thought she was about to push him away, but Hope held tight and drew his hand lower.

  Kingu’s eyes widened in surprise as she settled his palm over her breast. He swallowed hard. Almost like he couldn’t stop himself, he shifted his thumb to brush against her nipple through the fabric of her sweater.


  No other Fire Phase had ever had to work this hard to seduce their mate, but Kingu was finally catching on. His fingers moved lower to cup her breast in his hand, looking dazed. Hope arched into his touch, her nipple beading tighter and her body growing damp.

  He made an animalistic sound that made her want to beg for more. “You are the one, Hope.” His hand gently massaged her breast, learning the shape. “My only one. I searched for you for so long that I thought I would die from wanting you. And I’m immortal.”

  She whimpered at the soft words, her body going up in flames. The man had dangled Lycus by his spine but he handled her like it was made of silk. He was exactly what she’d always wanted. Tender and fierce and hers.

  Her soul mate.

  Hope knew it with every molecule in her body.

  Kingu was still taller than her, but the steps helped Hope to close gap. Standing on tiptoe, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his. Hope didn’t consider herself the most expert kisser in the universe, but instincts took over where dating experience left off. Her mouth opened against his, her hands finding purchase on his massive shoulders, and she just poured herself into the sensation of it.

  For a beat of time nothing happened. It was as if Kingu had frozen in place.

  Hope had the half-formed thought that maybe she was doing something wrong and then he gave a savage growl that had her body clenching. Not even a Fire Phase could have just swept her up the way Kingu did. He lifted right off the stairs, taking control and dragging her closer. Hope gave a cry as her feet left the floor and Kingu’s arms seized her against his body.

  “Oh wow.” She whispered and then she was just caught up in the firestorm.

  Kingu wasn’t just kissing her, he was devouring her. His hands felt like a brand. Marking her body. Touching her with barely contained greed. “You’re so pretty.” He swept his palm up to angle her head so he could deepen the possession of the kiss. “Why must you be so damn pretty?”

  His lips slanted over hers, exactly like a warrior should. Demanding and carnal and wild. If another creature walked through the door, there wasn’t a doubt in Hope’s mind that Kingu would kill him within two seconds, never turning his attention from her body. The thought of it made her even hotter.

  “Please.” She closed her eyes against the onslaught. If she’d been born with any energy at all, Hope would have thought she was caught up in the first stages of Phazing. The helpless, all-consuming heat of it. Whatever the reason --biology, breeding or destiny-- her entire being wanted this man.

  “Please what?” His voice panted, out of control. “Show you compassion? I’m not that kind of god.” His teeth grazed across her ear and he carried her back down the stairs. “Your mine and nothing can change that. Your precious Elementals scarified you to me, didn’t they?”

  He wanted an answer. She could tell by the harsh tone. “Yes.” Hope swallowed, her body throbbing.

  The Banished Phases had given her to Kingu and thought made her arch closer to him in a kind of decadent haze. They might as well have tied her to posts and left her for King Kong. Did anyone watch that movie and not know that the woman wanted the monster to pick her up and carry her off?

  “So, you’re mine.” One arm was around her hips, supporting her weight, while Kingu’s free hand shredded the remnants of her tights, ripping them from her body. “You think gods give up their sacrifices, Hope? Let them escape? You think we care about the wishes of those girls strapped to the altars or do you think we just fucking take what we want?”

  Oh Gaia, did she want to be strapped to an altar waiting for him. She grabbed Kingu’s face between her hands and dragged his mouth back to hers. “I would never want to escape you.” She got out between deep, possessive kisses.

  He was her soul mate. Her should-have-been Match. Her monster.

  Kingu groaned like she was torturing him. “Gaia, you really were sent to kill me.” That was the first time she’d heard him invoke the name of the actual deity and not just a derisive curse about the gods. It meant something, but Hope didn’t get a chance to figure out what.

  Kingu reached the ground floor, again, guiding her legs up to wrap around his waist. His mouth still sealed over hers, he backed her against the nearest wall, trapping her.

  Hope gave another cry and he pressed into the junction of her thighs. His arousal felt huge. The vulnerable feeling of being at the mercy of an unstoppable primordial beast made her catch hold of his shoulders, again. Pulling him closer.

  God, it had pissed her off when Belle got stuck with that stupid, ordinary prince at the end of the movie. What girl would want blond banality over the monster?

  “Faster.” If Kingu didn’t do something to quench this fire inside of her, she might spontaneously combust.

  Kingu red gaze was intent. He tore her skirt aside. Just grabbed a handful of material and destroyed in with his hands. Her underwear quickly followed. A white scrap of cotton and lace that he held to his face, breathing in the scent of her. “Mine.” He rasped.

  Hope had known it would be like this. Warriors were pretty primal about their mates. Honestly, she was just surprised it had taken him so long get her naked. Most Fire Phases Phazed within minutes of finding their Match. What was the point in waiting when you knew you’d found your other half?

  Speaking of which, Kingu really should be warned who he belonged to, now. “Mine.” She countered, thumping a hand against his chest, even as her mouth found the side of his neck and latched on. “If I’m yours, then your mine, Kingu. Remember it.” She nipped his skin and then suckled at it, wanting to mark him.

  Kingu liked the sensation. She could tell from his hiss of breath. “I’m not likely to forget you, Hope. I’ve waited for you for so many years that the longing is a part of me.” His hand claimed the territory between her legs.

  Hope gasped as Kingu found the very core of her. His huge palm settled against her scorching, swollen flesh and she squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh thank God.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Hope wanted to chuckle at that, but she couldn’t manage quite it. All of her attention was centered on his fingers. They were petting her. Not pushing deeper, but testing, like he wasn’t really convinced she wanted him. Like she might be playing a trick

  Kingu stilled when he discovered she was soaking wet with need. He stared down at her, looking dazed. “Wait.” He swallowed convulsively as if he was trying to break free of the sensual haze. “Wait. Why are you allowing this?”

  Midnight blue eyes fluttered up to meet his baffled expression. “What?” Darn it, things were finally headed in the right direction. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders and she tried to rewind the discussion. “I’m doing this because I want you. I want you so much. Please don’t stop.” Hope made an impatient movement with her hips, trying to restart his caress.

  “Wait.” Kingu gave his head a hard shake, still trying to reorganize his thoughts. “Something’s wrong. It can’t possibly be this simple.” He sounded incredulous, but he still gave her what she wanted. Maybe he couldn’t help it. His hand slid deeper, rubbing at just the right speed to make her see stars. “You’re really claiming this is because of me?”

  “Oh yes.” Yes to all of it. Her tongue touched her lower lip. The heat was better now. Hotter and tighter than ever before, but with the glorious promise of relief on the horizon.

  “You would willingly give yourself to me just because you want to?”

  “Um-hmmmm.” It was a purr.

  “Bullshit.” He pulled away and Hope nearly screamed in frustration. Or decked him. Kingu lifted his hand from her and started to move back, but she caught hold of his wrist. Her fingers didn’t even go half way around the width of it, but he still stopped moving and glowered down at her.

  Hope glowered back. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Swearing contest be damned. She wanted answers. Actually, no she wanted him to finish what he started, but, barring that, answers would be good. He still supported all her weight, so if he dropped her, she’d crash straight to the floor. But that didn’t stop Hope from shouting at him. Kingu wasn’t going to let her get hurt. Even in her anger, she knew it. “What exactly is ‘bullshit’ about this?”

  “There’s no way you want me. That’s what’s bullshit. So, who are you really thinking about? Zakkery?”